Ok - so I'll admit that I'm a casual player and probably haven't done all of my homework here, but I'm super confused after purchasing the exotic special engram from Xur today that turned out to be Patience and Time.
I'm looking through the perks (which seem pretty slick) but I'm confused about a couple of things and would love your help.
1) 160 attack on a sniper? I've seen posts with people having this leveled to 320 or so.
2) What is the max attack you can level this out to with upgrades activated?
3) No infusing?
Also would just love any insight on this weapon before I spend time leveling it. I'm a 40 Titan PVE - usually equipped Auto - Sniper - Rocket (or sword). Trying to figure out if this will become a replacement for 1000 yard stare. Thanks!
Hey man dont worry about the wankers on here. Patience and time is a year one weapon. An epic year one weapon. It cant be infused. It still rocks in pvp and low level pve. It was almost the best sniper year one. 1000 ys is a ridiculously easy to use and can be infused. The closest thing to patience and time in y2 weapons is the hunter exotic, the stillpiercer in the way it fires. Probably better to spend your coins on y2 stuff than legacy. They are mostly collectors items. Hope that helps...