originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]A giant blimp begins to move in.[/b]
*Sithus points at it, and a lazer the size of a red giant star flies at it*
[b]Christmas fires candy canes at your laser. And it disintegrates in red,green and white sparkles[/b]
*Teleports to blimp, and eats people inside*
[b]You are thrown off my a huge man in a suit of power armour. Who has a beard.[/b] "HOEHOEHOEEEEEE. YOU ARE ON THE NAUGHTY LIST NOW!" [spoiler]The war between sithis and Christmas commences [/spoiler]
*Sithis teleports inside his armor and eats him* [spoiler]I will be Victorious![/spoiler] [spoiler]Ad Victoriam![/spoiler]
[b]You feel churning in your stomach. When you feel him rip out of you in his power armour[/b] IM THE ONE THAT EATS AROUND HERE! [b]You are attacked by a thousand elves with forks[/b]
*heals my stomach quickly, then takes out a sword with golden letters on it saying "Spork" and I attack them my sword devouring their essence*
[b]Thousands more begin to attack you as the blimps seems to be driving itself into the ground[/b] HOOEEEEEHOEEEEEHOEEEE
*snaps my fingers as a Kill and eat the elves, and about 1000 dragons appear and attack the blimp eating it*