If you note bullet two in Siffow's list of known issues, some DLC 1 (The Dark Below) and DLC 2 (House of Wolves) cards, including missions and enemy cards, are not properly unlocking. When a bug is corrected, Siffow generally updates the thread by removing/clarifying the corresponding known issue in the list. Since the list item is not explicit about which particular cards still have issues, I cannot tell you if your particular cards of interest have been fixed. I think it is safe to suggest waiting until this item is removed or further clarified by Siffow before finishing the House of Wolves abandoned quest on your last character.
thanks but its not that they "are not properly unlocking", the problem is that there is no way to unlock them since they removed all wolves. someone mentioned doing the wolves on mars quest helps but it didnt
I haven't had my coffee yet, so don't hurt me if this answer is wrong: Go complete the first DLC2 mission. If your remaining cards don't unlock after that, I'll look into it.
going to try this later and let you know. thank you anyway