Hi I am new player I need help ps4:DesertEvilz
My refer https://www.bungie.net/en/ReferAFriend?code=RAF-GVD-R3X-VGR
I'm looking for a new player who's been playing less than 7 days, who also has "The taken king" expansion to complete the Veteran/Referee quest line (a tale of two guardians) where we can both get a shader, 2 different emotes, sparrow, and 3 legendary swords. Plus I will help you level up your characters, run you through your quests, and teach you the raids. reply if Interested, here is more info...https://www.bungie.net/en/ReferAFriend?code=RAF-DDD-39H-GAL playstation 4 user: ozzycar24122000
What system? I'd be down to help