To all of you SAO lovers, go rethink your life choices and watch some good anime.
No penis poll ;~;
All you SAO lovers need to watch Log Horizon.
Anime sucks. Period. [spoiler]Let me rustle your jimmies.[/spoiler]
Edited by FlandreScarlette: 12/8/2015 5:00:53 PMSOMEONE GETS IT! SAO is so damn bad ='D Sure, it's a great starting anime, but damn, it is shit once you have 1. Seen other animes that are actually good 2. Attempt to rewatch it 3. Learn how it was butchered from the Light Novel 4. See how bad of a main character Kirit-hoe is is 5. See how bad of a harem Kirit-hoe has You guys need to see REAL anime. x3 I will admit, SAO had some awesome principles and ideas, but it approached them in the wrong way and became nothing but a sack of wish fulfillment, terrible plot, and even worse characters. You guys should search SAO Critique on google, an old "friend" of mine wrote one of the first results you'll see. It'll open your eyes a bit, I think.
Any anime is bad
How can you compare SAO and destiny there not the same genre of game and destiny isn't even an anime
Log horizon looks good but shit anime because no bara tank, thought I agree sao was complete shit
Only thing is... Log horizon isn't coming back, SAO is... Now if only BTOOOM! would get that second season...
You know what? We should all just watch some Dora The Explorer (☞ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)☞
Anime: 10% content, 5% setting shots, 85% characters explaining what's going on.
I actually do plan to watch log horizon...hopefully it is as good as or better than SAO. Either way, I don't understand the point of the question. Unless you're trying to ascertain which virtual reality we would rather exist in...then least I can rez thanks to ghost.
You weeb.
flood has attacked destiny....ayyyyyy
I think SAO is good for entry-level watching, going any further will yield a plethora of things far better.
The obligatory third option is the "Blue Shell being used on you when you're in first" option. If you haven't had to experience that, be glad.
I wanna shove Pina up your ***
SAO is a good drama, but has absolutely nothing on Log Horizon.
4 words. Cory in the house.
Edited by FoodMonger52: 12/7/2015 9:09:40 PMThere is some decent anime out there. I had seen princess mononoke before ghibli was big. The ninja scrolls were fantastic and Kite. Shadow skill wasn't too bad either.
I like SAO, and I know many good animes. So.....
SAO is a good anime. Haters gonna hate. [spoiler]I'm biased, it was my first anime.[/spoiler]
I generally hate anime but i like most of SAO. Once it moved on to the elf thing i didnt like it anymore
Anyone who likes SAO probably has never seen a non-mainstream anime
People not voting Sword Art Online probably haven't seen it.. Stay like that; I wish I never did.
FMA before Brotherhood. It got super convoluted after a point because they decided to do their own thing rather than wait for the manga. Sloth doesn't even make sense in the original anime.
Well I didn't think I'd see you here
How do u dislike SAO? It's a solid anime. Not perfect but it's still worth watching like most anime
Notto disu shitto agen