[b]Once he touched her, energy arced through his metallic body, as the warnings continued, flashing faster and faster as the energy readings spiked
And then it stopped, as everything calmed down, and a thud is heard
Tanya fell tonthe ground, collapsing to her knees first, then hitting the ground unconscious as her suit had released a suppressant drug, knocking her out to prevent any damage from being done[/b]
Python leads her out, helping her to the room.
[b]She stumbles every now and then, but manages to follow him[/b]
They get to the room and Python opens the door for her. He looks down at her, allowing her to step in.
[b]She steps in, hitting a button on her Armor, as it clicks apart, and she steps from it She was dressed in simple clothing, a tank top and pants, well, to small for her now as they stuck to her body[/b]
"You good for the night?" She then noticed just how late it was, 12:37 am. He leaned against the doorway, arms crossed.
[i]"I don't know..."[/i] [b]She kept walking, towards her bed as she took off her shirt, as she threw it tonthe side[/b] [spoiler]giggity, I'm not even meaning for the sexy time either Its just who she is[/spoiler]
He tries to not look at her, knowing he was a married man. Head, looking to his left, he spoke. "I'm just down the hall if you need anything." [spoiler]*jaws theme* Giggity.... Gigigigigigigigigig GIGGITY![/spoiler]
[b]Luckily, she slides a sorts bra on, atleast she had some form of decency [/b] [i]"Yeah, I'll be here..."[/i]
He nods and walks away, closing the door for her as he did so.
[spoiler]I'll end it here[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Yep....now to go edit bios![/spoiler]