[b] San Diego boarding School[/b]-Service Car Park- 0430hrs
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[i] Llani glances at her watch,she stands in her vest top and jeans,,she hadn't had chance to get dressed properly . Just received the call to be ready with the Jeep at the service entrance. She hugs herself,rubbing her arms.
Eventually she hears a really low rumble,she frowns at first,only for that to be replaced with the biggest grin. 'No Way' a slightly tired looking Plymouth Cuda rolls into view and pulls in beside the Jeep.[/i]
[spoiler] https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d5/75/77/d5757782687ca4737c7c61b14be5d895.jpg&imgrefurl=https://es.pinterest.com/pin/346847608774831475/&h=295&w=236&tbnid=XgCH_SHKXwemMM:&docid=UA1JyRXVQFtNSM&ei=Jq1mVvHtOMySaerDqrAP&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0ahUKEwjxmN28g8zJAhVMSRoKHeqhCvYQMwgfKAAwAA [/spoiler] [i] steps out of the Plymouth.[/i]
LT " [b] You approve?[/b]
La "Do I! its even a bit beat up,its perfect.Thankyou." [i] hugs the older woman.[/i]
LT" [b] So hows is it going?"[/b]
La" Pfft , its all raging hormones and angst,never seen so many thirsties,' [i] she rolls her eyes.[/i]
LT" [b] You jealous ?"[/b]
[i] Llani balkes[/i]
La " Yeah there is nothing I want more than some other girls sticky lolly."
LT" [b] There must be someone you like?[/b]
La " Maybe,why does it even matter we will be gone soon."
LT " [b] Look Llani this job is tough at the best of times,but you start getting frustrated,then you will make silly mistakes.[/b]
[i] Frowns a little [/i]
La " What you saying".
LT " [b] I am saying this is one of the only chances you are likely to be around people your own age. Enjoy it,have some RnR, ! Because once we leave here it could be a while before we can stop again. [/b]
La " Light.....?"
LT " [b] Yes, I for one plan to go waste the next 24.[/b]
[i] Llani pulls a face[/i]
LT " [b] Here.[/b] [i] Throws a small package to Llani[/i]
La ' its a......oh my word a C.chip"
LT" [b] yup and. oh here [/b] [i] throws Llani the keys to the Plymouth [/i]
[b] get your gear out of the Jeep I need to get move on.[/b]
[i] Llani moves her computer equipment, her scanners,her tools for modding her gauntlets. Finally she moves Romeo and the deux aces. No sooner has she finished than her Aunt reverses out, quietly rolls out of view.
Lani sigs with relief. She admires her new wheels,its perfect,mechanically sound but just distressed enough that only a Car kid would take a second look.' lonyo's- Garage girls' plays quietly in the background. Realising it will be dawn soon she curses, and starts her daily maintenance check.Never gonna get it all done.[/i]
[spoiler] open [/spoiler] [i][/i]
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