Before anyone decides to bash on this I just wanted to let everyone know that this just something I wanted to share since it was on mind.
So basically I woke up having gone through one of the most amazing dreams (at least for me), and it actually had to do with destiny, yes you haters, destiny. I guess you could call it the ending of destiny 1, not sure whether this occurred in story missions or the raid, but it seems to be like the Kings fall raid part 2.
I'll start from the beginning...........
It's been 4 months since you and your Fireteam destroyed oryx, but after recent investigation we have determined oryx has not died, he is on Saturn and seems to be communicating with something far from reach. We do not know who or what he was communicating with, but it seem to be very threatening.
(Forgive me on this part but it seems my dream took place towards the ending of this raid, so I'm going to have skip a lot of details, I'll tell you that from the looks of it, oryx knew he was beat and realizes the guardians are not people to mess with it seems like he is calling for help now)
Warning: you must have 2 of each main class in this raid: 2 hunters 2 Titans 2 warlocks
[u]Final checkpoint of the kings fall raid part 2 [/u]
(It also turns out that there seems to be somewhat of a hive ship surrounded by a dark aura in this dream)
You and your fireteam must board a hive ship in groups of 3, enter oryx 's chamber and kill off oryx once and for all.
So the first 3 man team makes it down and already has to begin the process of taking oryx down. Your other 3 man team is still trying to find a way into this chamber, however they are getting hit...... Hard.
( so there is no confusion from here on out, we will call the team currently fighting oryx- ALPHA, and the other group trying to get in- BRAVO)
The hives overwhelming numbers were troublesome, but BRAVO team manages to kill them off and are a few moments away from joining APLHA team in the fray to destroy oryx .......... But something happens
Oryx somehow, manages to transport his chamber to a distant location far from BRAVO team, BRAVO TEAM use their three ghosts to try to get in contact with them but there is absolutely no signal. ALPHA team does the same but their efforts were futile.
Oryx understood he was going to die here, with six guardians, he wouldn't stand a chance in his current state. But he knew that if he was going to die he was going to take ALPHA team with him.
After some time ALPHA manages to get oryx to 10% health. Oryx sends his adds to take control while he himself makes one last effort to send his message to thing he was communicating with. ALPHA team manages to kill them off and focusing all fire power, they finally destroy oryx. A bridge starts forming towards where oryx has fallen, ALPHA team walks up to it and the game enters a cutscene with BRAVO team returning back to the tower to warn the leaders. There is also another cutscene with ALPHA team, their ghost, and the thing oryx was communicating with.
[u]Cutscene, BRAVO[/u]
*BRAVO back at the tower, currently talking with Zavala*
Zavala: guardians, did you do it?, where's the rest of your fireteam.
Titan: gone Sir, but we can't say for sure whether they're dead or not the same goes to oryx.
Ikora: what do you mean Titan.
Titan: we were engaged in a firefight before we could aid our teammates fighting oryx when all of sudden-
Warlock: vanished they just disappeared there was a blinding light and the whole chamber.... Was gone
Cayde-6: hmmm didn't see oryx as the magician type but hey he's weird and the hive are weird.
Hunter: we tried to contact their ghosts but we were getting absolutely nothing back, not even static.
Zavala: thanks for your Intel guardians, but I'm afraid we can't assume oryx was killed..... As well as your comrades. Will have to keep an eye out. In the mean time will have to try to keep making contact with them and pray they're not in harms way.
[u]Cutscene, ALPHA [/u]
Ghost: *shocked voice* what is this?
A lot of static comes from the communicator
Warlock: well, what is it, what was it that oryx wanted to contact?
Ghost: it's a message......... From another.......... Entity
Titan: what do you mean, what are we looking at here?
Ghost: I don't know but-
Something goes wrong and ALPHA team is given an aura that eventually fades away
Hunter: what just happened?
Ghost: It's giving us a message it's in a language I do not understand but I'll do my best to decode it
*after some time*
Ghost: I have the message reading it now, " I have now given you passage, come and I will blow your final flame, your last light of hope.
(A gate starts to light up behind ALPHA team and it seems to be a teleporter to a far location, 3 cyro pods start to form in front of it)
Ghost: listen, I've never doubted you for a second and you overcame impossible odds but what we are facing now, is suicide.
Warlock: just tell us where this gate takes us, what is behind this gate.
Ghost: from the information I can gather from the transmission. it's empty, nothing there except for one being, it's a space barren wasteland far from where the light touches.
Titan: can we still get in contact with tower or even BRAVO team?
Ghost: I've tried constantly, nothing
Hunter: then there's only one choice
Ghost: you might want to think this through, the brightest of bright stars won't be able to reach this dark place, if you thought the dark below was dark you are sadly mistaken.
Hunter: so what's our chance of surviv-
Ghost: no chance, there is a 0% chance of survival, we won't be walking away from this one guardians.
*titan starts walking towards the pods
Ghost: are we actually going through with this?
Warlock: no point wasting time here we don't know where we are and the tower is too far from contact.
Ghost: tell me...... Let's just say we manage to get there in one piece into this dark forsaken wasteland , this entity we will encounter is... Unimaginable, what will you do then guardian?
Titan: We Fight,
Ghost: *surprised expression*
Warlock: it's what we were revived for right?
Hunter: hey if you're gonna go down, go down in style
Ghost: well I guess there's no choice.
*all three class guardians enter the cryo pods*
Hunter: so how long will it take for us to reach this place?
Ghost: well even though we are going to be traveling very fast, it's going to take us approximately 2 years, 6 months, 11 days, 3 hours, and 34 seconds, hmmm wonder what will do in those pods.
Warlock: amusing -_-
(It goes back into first person as you see yourself traveling through the portal in this greenish beam similar to that of the portal only ascendant hive can enter. before the screen goes black)
[u]Cutscene, ALPHA [/u]
(You see the three guardians pods floating down in this place of complete darkness when just below the pods a gigantic glowy orange symbol starts forming quickly)
Ghost: guardian, guardian?!? EYES UP GUARDIAN!!!!!!!!
( the game ends and I wake up. Most of you might think I just made this up but I shit you not, I wrote this the instance I woke up so I wouldn't forget it)
So what do you guys think would you have preferred an ending like this or the one we saw in-game. I didn't go into detail about the process of taking down oryx or even the rewards you get from the raid since I literally only witnessed the final part:) but you guys are free to add your own rewards and process of killing oryx if you wish.
Either way if you read up all the way till this point, you my friend are a badass.
Peace :)
Tldr dreaming about destiny is a sign u play too much