Why are you simpletons capitalizing the word 'simpletons' and creating thread on game you no longer play?
The same reason you use an apostrophe instead of quotation marks. :)
The small difference being that there are multiple keys on my keyboard that are broken, including the one between 1 and 3. I'm aware there's some Alt code to get them but I don't know it. If it makes you feel better I'll edit the comment when the new keyboard I ordered arrives, deal?
Lol these excuses are wonderful please try harder.
I don't need excuses, after all, you're the one who hasn't yet answers my original question as to why you're creating threads on a game you no longer play. Care to enlighten us?
It's pretty obvious, I'm here to rustle your jimmies and so far I'm doing a great job.
That's what she said... idk lol
[quote]That's what she said... idk lol[/quote]