originally posted in:Neo Punks
"I enjoy siting outside, and writing, I find it very peacful."
Yuri laughs "At least you get it, most other people at this school are all about punk music and fighting... And women, that too."
-He smiles- "I do enjoy fighting, and I like all kinds of music."
"I believe fighting more as an art, not as a way of asserting dominance, and I enjoy classical and Japanese pop music."
"I respect the view that fighting is an art, I just enjoy the fight itself. And classical and J Pop, are really good music."
Yuri nods, smiling "It seems quite a few people here have really famous fathers or mothers, you have a big-wig in the family?
"I doubt my father is that famous, same with my mother. What about you?"
Edited by greedyhellboy: 12/8/2015 11:55:26 PM"My dads a pretty well known assassin, he's come across people like Lance May and Etana Lutu, but not in a good way, his name is Limbo, well that's his codename at least."
"Limbo huh? Can't say my dad ever mentioned him. I don't think they ever meet. He has mentioned Lance May, seeing as Lance trained my father."
"Lance tried to kill my dad, not saying he didn't deserve it."
"To say that so casually about your own father."
"He used to be a ruthless killer, he was a monster, but he's changed so much."
"I guess our father's have that in common then. My father used to be the same way when he was in his twenties."
"Yeah I guess so, what's your fathers name?"
"My father is Zoren Castle. Ever heard of him?"
"The name seems familiar, but I can't say I know him."
"My father tried to keep his presence unknown."
Yuri laughed "My dads not like that, he loves notoriety."
"My father was like that before he was 25. From when he was 25 and up, he chose to avoid unnecessary violence."
"My dad changed when I was born." Yuri smiled, recollecting childhood memories
"That's good, maybe he didn't want you to be like he used be."
"Yeah, but since he joined Legion, I'm afraid he's going to change."
"Your father joined Legion? Maybe he had a reason?"
"He said he wanted a purpose, he wanted to use his skills in a place that would challenge him."
"In my opinion, he made the wrong choice then. If he really has changed he should've used his skills differently."
"Yeah, now he wants me to join, he says they are an honorable faction, but if he says they're good people, I won't argue with him if he wants me to join."