So I want a lightsaber!!!! :D
Not just any lightsaber, a duelling lightsaber something that really durable and last for I'm hoping 3 years?
Anyway I've been researching on which lightsaber website I should buy from and a lot of negative feedback from UltraSaber for faulty products and bad customer service. However at Saberforge their lightsabers are so expensive but lack the customisation variety are UltraSaber, I don't want a super expensive fancy lightsaber just a good durable one and at UltraSaber I can buy two for the price of one I have my eye on at UltraSaber.
So is true about UltraSaber rumours and negative feedback? Or should I go all in to Saberforge and then maybe regret spending over $400? Because spending over $400 for a lightsaber is wayyy too just for LightSaber that isn't a toy you can just buy at the shops.