Hey there fellow guardians,
At PSX this year Bungie unveiled that Sparrow Racing is coming to Destiny for a 3 week event, and this blew my mind - let me explain myself down below.
Ever since Destiny was first released the community has been strong, always coming up with suggestions on how Destiny can be improved and what should be added to game to make it even more enjoyable. One of those suggestions was Sparrow Racing, and literally everyone was begging Bungie to bring Sparrow Racing to Destiny. This is why i love Bungie so much, because they listen and they do their damn hardest to make the game we love the best in can possibly be, but there was one thing about this whole Sparrow racing reveal that really annoyed me - the community.
Everyone was waiting for Bungie to come on stage at PSX to unveil something big to its fans and when they did, the community went nuts and in a bad way. Yes some people loved the fact that sparrow racing was coming to Destiny, but the vast majority of Destiny players said this "When is the next DLC coming Bungie, sparrow racing sucks." Literally all i saw on my twitter feed was that previous quote, and this upset me.
Bungie have literally spent time, money and a whole lot effort to bring this community something that it was begging them to bring for months, and all the community could do was moan that Bungie didn't reveal the next lot of DLC. I mean come on The Taken King only came out a little over 3 months ago, and you want more DLC already.
All i'm saying is appreciate Bungie and what they do for this community, the time and effort everyone at Bungie puts in to help make Destiny a better place.
If your like me that was super hyped for this game and thought that bungie was gonna give us another halo CE than your fooling yourself. This game deserves every criticism and bad rep that it gets. Why? The story is still god awful and nothing is explained. Their is still no story telling. The Rng in system in destiny is complete bullshit and especially in crucible. Multiplayer is always unbalanced and has something wrong with it. It continuing to recycle bosses. Repetitive strikes. The only things good about destiny is the music, graphics, and the raids. They put more effort into the raids than they do the rest of the game. Oh and let's not forget the fact that micro-transactions have been added. Yea. Like we didn't see that coming after the 3rd dlc in a year. I won't be surprised if this game turns into pay to play.