Celebrity get out of jail free card
Because that would be 'racist'.
You can't arrest someone for racism, trump is a perfect example Cosby is a star, no stars ever get arrested. Doesn't have to do with being black I'm not black or white, but please tell me how the abortion clinic shooter that killed multiple cops was able to be arrested, but the kid walking away from the cops was shot up 16 times. Or the black guy surrounded by cops was shot up but the white church shooter was arrested and was even taken to Burger King along the way. Tell me how all these white cops get off for murder yet one black cop -blam!-s a old lady and he gets life in prison Go on, tell me
Because they're not Muslim
Because he wasn't convicted of a crime.
One reason could be the fact they are afraid that they would be called racist.
Because they're busy doing this https://www.cheatsguru.com/pc/wizard_101/questions/2196469/
Charlie sheen knowingly infected others with HIV. Thoughts OP?
Black privilege.
Cosby CANNOT be arrested because of the statute of limitations. He can be sued, but that's about it. I don't know much about Al Sharpton.
[i]Sweet Potato Pops[/i]
Because Al is pals with Obama. He makes visits to the WH all the time. But, some white guy that owed $70,000 had his business taken from him.
its because they are famous, so laws don't apply to them
Most of cosbys crimes are to old to be punished in a court of law now and there is not enough evidence for a trail for the one or two that is recent enough. As for Al I don't know
Edited by Peaches Pan Tao: 12/9/2015 9:31:16 PMCuz Bill Cosby drugging Al and then----Thats dark. I am not going there...
Wesley Snipes got the shit end of the deal then.
Bill Cosby is old as -blam!- it doesn't matter at this point if you send him to jail he will probably die in a few years anyway. And al Sharpton who gives a -blam!- about tax evasion. Do you know how much higher tax brackets get taxed? 55% of their income. That's ridiculous. If I was in that tax bracket I would move to another country just to keep my -blam!-ing money -blam!- this countries insane taxes.
Hot Cosby thats why
It should be "Why aren't ... " not "Why isn't ..." Oh wait, I just read your little meme thing, and I really shouldn't be surprised that you can't you use proper English.
Because a greedy ass lying woman claimed bill Cosby -blam!- her. Which caused other greedy ass botches lying so that they'd get rich.
I don't know about Sharpton but Cosby was past the statute of limitations I believe. The only cases that can be brought against him are civil cases, and they have been.
Bramd - old
Bill Cosby is a rapist? -
Edited by Rezinihplod: 12/9/2015 7:54:51 PMThough why the racism tag?
Wait. Bill Cosby wasn't arrested? [spoiler]wtf? I though he was like a month or 2 ago. Dammit. I should watch the news more[/spoiler]