originally posted in:The Roleplay League
James," Aries has been in this city before. In fact, it holds a significant part into his fall from the Light. I can only think of one spot he would be."
Aries chuckled. The Guardian suddenly felt heavy, and it took everything he had to not crouch down. " My Darkness isn't taken lightly. It has the power to attack even after its consumed." A portal opened up beneath the Guardian and multiple tendrils shot out. They were sharp and capable of piercing. They did just that, going for the Guardian's limbs, restraining him. Once that was done, they slowly started returning to the portal. " Goodbye."
The Hunter just laughed. It was light at first, but soon it gained intensity. He shook them free. His first knife ripped through Aries' armor, embedding itself into his chest. The second followed with haste, he plunged it deep into his ribs and twisted the blade. The Taken delivered a kick that could shatter bones into the knife in his chest. He kicked his right knee backwards, rendering it useless. When Aries fell forward, he kneed him in the helmet, sending him into the air a couple inches. Then he slammed his elbow into his stomach, driving him into the ground. He jerked him up by the collar and forced him to his knees. 'My name is Erik Ward, Oryx, the Taken King's second in command, General of his Taken Elinski army. I was sent here to neutralize the threat, and I'll do exactly that.' Erik held his corrupted Last Word to Aries' head. Some energy flowed into him, and his powers faded slightly. Erik was leeching his Darkness. He pulled the hammer back.
Now Aries busted into laughter, something he hadn't done in a while. " Erik?! Shouldn't you be somewhere on a dirty ketch trying to prove to Serra you aren't a manwhore?! Well it looks like I'll have to step up my game." Aries grabbed hold of Erik and they both disappeared. The other guardians soon disappeared as well. (( I'm going to make a new post for this. It's getting a bit too unorganised. ))
"Please dont tempt him like that, whoever you are! We've got enough Aries clones shoving their darkness down out throats as it is, thank you!"
A knife flew past him, skimming his helmet. 'Shut it.'
"Taken bitch..."