I am looking for help with completing the last quest to get the sleeper.
My GT is strezfactor and I will be playing a 309 warlock. Message me on xbox one.
Need 2 for fallen sabar mission
Message gt above. 307 titan
Need two players xbox one GT: Xx JoshColes xX 315 light
Need 2 for the sleeper stirs final strike 300+ Gt same message me for invite
need 2 for the sleeper stirs fallen saber strike message me for invite gt same as name
Need 2 for Sleeper Xbox 1 message KSI Arceus 493
296 hunter need help on the strike send me an invite ill do with you One Otaku Taco
Need help with the final quest for the sleeper stirs. 300+, 18+ please.
Need 1 to help, Saber 280 Message reaverincarnate Plz assist, I'm on a weapon hunt
Im doing this if u still on