Really, zero responsibilities? Think about the word zero for a second, that means nothing, if i don't keep up with my so called responsibilities, then i don't get through high school, nor college, to your so called "real world", where the "shit hits the fan". Your world where the shit hits the fan, is probably like that because you obviously dont know what responsibilities are, which made your world like that.
Edited by Mr Mulberry: 12/10/2015 3:55:28 AMOn behalf of my banned friend here... [quote]Shit hits the fan because responsibilities pile on faster than anything you could ever experience before. Don't give a shit how much "responsibilities" you think you have now, become an adult and you'll be wishing your life was as easy as it was in high school. Try working everyday while on top of college, (which beat out highschool by a wide margin) just to pay bills. Then have kids of your own, which will consume, literally 95% of your time while you're not working/at school whatever. I juggle all of this and let me tell you I do it well. You're calling me unprepared while you're bitching about high school? You think I don't have responsibilities? You've got another think coming kid. [/quote]