This is an unofficial [MATURE] XBOX ONE Kings Fall (HARD) raid team finder that was created so that players are able to connect, form, and create a raid team conveniently. Make sure to include the following so that way other players are able to see if they/ you have the requirements to join the team.
*Don't forget to like this forum to get quick access*
[b][u]LIGHT LEVEL[/u][/b]
[b][u]CHECK POINT[/u][/b]
*ALSO if you're ever in need of one, add me on XBOX ONE or send me a PM and if I'm not occupied I will be happy to assist you guys.
318 ToM
318 Black Spindle
320 1000yd Stare
*Interested in joining a chill, mature clan that likes to have fun take a look at my clan
[url=]THE LEGION OF KAOS[/url]
and if you meet the requirements don't hesitate to join!
318 titan. Looking for an experienced group at warpriest challenge cp. 314 ToM, 320 Spindle, mic. GT Blow Jibberz
NEED 5 FOR FRESH HARD RAID!!! PLS HAVE eXPERIENCE. Message swiftdeath2413 for invite.
Looking for 3 for oryx checkpoint Message Cv6Keir 315+ Know what your doing !
Need 1 at oryx ToM 312+ above light know what u are doing GT:Its xRevo
Hosting hard fresh message winkyfrownface for invite know what you're doing
Need 1 with Warpriest HM CP.
[u][i][b]Looking for 1 more to run oryx cp message me character and light for invite[/b][/i][/u]
317 hunter looking for afresh start. Send message for invite.
316 warlock looking for fresh. Have Tom and spindle. Gt above
Need 1 for totems cp, msg your lvl for invite
316 hunter looking for hard oryx have all the goodies dome challenge and yea inv please I can run do plates doesn't matter gt same as above oryx CP only
Need 1 Warpriest/ Challange (Hard) must be 315+/ Mic And know what to do. Send Inv : Heinekenbier
I have oryx hard cp if I can get a team to do it I am 309 warlock got Tom and black spindle need 305
Need 1 Titan light level 315 or higher for Hard oryx cp. message if interested. Gt:red letter geek.
Need 4 for oryx hard mode be chill no RAGER msg me class and light 311+
317 lock LF hard oryx cp no knight strat
Need 4 for oryx cp. Must be 313 and higher. Message POODLE CUT with light lvl and class
I have oryx hard cp if I can get a team to do it I am 309 warlock got Tom and black spindle need 305
Need 2 for daughters checkpoint on hard gt same as name message me on Xbox
317 Titan looking for totem cp. invite stainedpunisher
Looking to join a group with good communication an skill to do hard mode oryx any cp is fine with me don't matter as long as we kill oryx must have a hard mode completion an challenge mode completion as well gt is garchomp334 I can play any class an do anything required to help the team succeed light lvs must be above 315 I mean come on the raid has been out for ever get them light lvs up
Looking to join a group with good communication an skill to do hard mode oryx any cp is fine with me don't matter as long as we kill oryx must have a hard mode completion an challenge mode completion as well gt is garchomp334 I can play any class an do anything required to help the team succeed light lvs must be above 315 I mean come on the raid has been out for ever get them light lvs up
314 warlock looking for hard fresh run. Inv CAPT RAZIEL RAZ
[quote]Doing fresh run 316 warlock helping my 306 Titan friend he has done raid before this is his third character msg me for inv will be doing challenge be 310+ and experienced[/quote]
Need 4 for oryx cp 315+ for no night strat Message Mastuh4shot for invite
Need 1 for oryx cp 312+ gt same have ToM & experience.