[quote]Amazing how fast they put out a patch late at night to fix their wallet yet still screw over thousands of players with broken game mechanics. Hell, since TTK released the raid has had multiple bugs yet they go unfixed. Bungie in danger of losing some 10 dollar sales on their TWO MAP, ONE MODE "FREE EVENT"? patch overnight.
If you still support them after this you're nothing but a silver sucking desticle.[/quote]
They don't care about the players? What about the players who legitimately purchased the book? Would they not feel truly ripped off if this wasn't fixed post haste?
This issue goes both ways, remember that...
They're already getting ripped off by paying money to track stats.
Regardless, they've paid for a premium add-on. To allow non-paying players access to it is a slap in the face. You are against Bungie treating players like crap, aren't you?