I was thinking the same thing last night. The Ghost is so indecisive.
[quote]Because they realize the shitstorm is from a bunch of entitled crybabies. I wouldn't care about it either.[/quote]
[quote]How can you seem so unaware of the shitstorm around you? It's like you have a vacant PR glazed grin and dull eyes plodding onto the forums and chatting like a punk bitch.[/quote] Go step on a Lego you little prick
[quote]THAT'S TO FAR! YOU DON'T EVER WISH HELL UPON ANYONE!!! SHAME ON YOU![/quote] Well it was either that or tell him to go fk a light socket But you know... Legos man..we all know that pain
but, a LEGO? why are you so cruel? :'(
It's a hard decision, Lego light socket Lego light socket. Decisions decisions
..... Because I have kids... and they love legos.... -_- Lol
Edited by StupidSlinky: 12/11/2015 1:29:12 AMThose big legos, you know for little kids... they have corners just as bad as the little ones..and worse because their big so you know [b] it's right fking there[/b] so you go over it, then step on it on your way back
[quote][quote]How can you seem so unaware of the shitstorm around you? It's like you have a vacant PR glazed grin and dull eyes plodding onto the forums and chatting like a punk bitch.[/quote] Go step on a Lego you little prick[/quote]
10/10 insult!
*[i]something mean about you and/or bungie[/i]*
*A nice post written onto the original post about how this thread has now become amazing and will ask for bump to keep it tracked since it is very entertaining*
Edited by Juno: 12/10/2015 8:39:54 PM*edits post so that nobody will hurt feelings*
Edited by NobodyJustBrad: 12/10/2015 8:39:28 PM*"accidental double post "*
*randomly placed copy/paste of the Peregrine Greaves commercial post*
*Angrily yells and calls you derogatory names for not responding to this post in emotes even though I am guilty of the same thing not a few posts down* *quickly and frantically smashes mute button on you in hopes I cannot see your response for fear of you saying something that might hurt my feelings*
Edited by EightGammaRay: 12/10/2015 8:32:55 PM*[i]a scathing retort using popular internet slang, absent of whit or intellect[/i]*
[quote]*[i]a scathing retort using popular internet slang, absent of whit or intellect[/i]*[/quote] Close it in an upward direction, Megan???
*[i]clear confusion, makes an obscure reference to something arcane in an attempt to convey I know what you're talking about [/i]*
*A visibly upset response, filled with gaming verbage and multiple spelling errors showing true maturity of posters age*