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originally posted in: Europa RP
Edited by Python824: 12/10/2015 10:38:50 PM
[b][u]Now He's Gone...[/u][/b] [b]Cyprus Cruiser-Hangar[/b] Python stepped into his ship, setting the stuff on the counter. He had turned this ship into a house. A very, very mobile house. A'Karo's body sat in the passenger seat of the ship, where she normally would. What could he do? There was nothing.... [i]End it. End what? All of it. Just end it. Stop your killing, stop yourself before you kill another person.....except for one...[/i] He walked over to the pilot seat and sat down. Closing the door and taking off, hovering there for a second. Python sighed, starting to move towards the hangar door. The door opened as he flew out. .......................................................................... [b][u]Nothing more I can give....[/u][/b] [b]Deep Space-Python's Ship[/b] He stood from his seat, walking over to his wife's body. Python kisses her, walking away for a moment. He later returns with a lighter, his lighter. She thought she had thrown it away, crushed it. She was wrong. He chuckled a bit at that thought, one last happy memory. [i]Just do it.....there's no way to bring yourself back from this.... Not yet....I need something first.[/i] He reached for her hand, taking her ring off it. Python set her ring next to his and set them on the dashboard, facing out towards space. He smiled at her body, reciting his vows from when they were married. "A'Karo, you're my love. My life. My everything. Everytime I look at you, all I can do is be happy. With this, I say that I will forever be with you, unconditionally and unendingly....I will keep my word. I love you, A'Karo." He smiled at her and kissed her again, memories from their marriage rushing back. He turned the radio to CD, eventually leading to Your Love by the Outfield. .......................................................................... [b][u]No Reason To Live...[/u][/b] [b]Deep Space-Python's Ship[/b] Python stood, the song still playing. [i]Cut the gas line and light it....send the whole ship up in flames...[/i] He walked towards the back of his ship, opening the hatch in the floor to get to the gas line. He pulled out his knife, the one he used to kill General Hill with. Python dug the knife into the gas line, spewing gas everywhere and releasing gas into the air. It didn't matter, he'd still be able to breath.....damn Genesis surgery. He walked back to his wife, listing to the rest of the song as he sat down. He pulled her chair out of the ground and set it next to his. He turned to her completely, kissing her once more. He lifts the lighter off to the left of where they were and lit it. In space, you can hear nothing. It's a common, well known fact. This was no exception. The gas ignited, fusing the two rings together almost instantly, lighting A'Karo ablaze almost instantly. He held her close, finishing the kiss as he fell unconscious from the shockwave of the explosion. Would he wake up? Maybe. Would he survive? Probably. Did he want to? No. Her body was scorched and fell apart in his grasp, like dust, it floated away. His weapons were hung loosely on his body, slowly floating around in space. The advanced, Adamant-steel-carbonate metal had held up. Leaving his weapons in working condition...not perfect, but working. His body floated away from the wreck, propelled by the explosion. He drifted deep into space, remaining unconscious...or was he dead? Had he finally gotten out........... [spoiler]Closed unless you have some way to sense that he is dead/unconscious. Put either one if so, up to you...[/spoiler]

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