originally posted in:The Roleplay League
*all 3 voices at once* "yeah were all here" then Garuud spoke by himself " I'm just...odd hahaha perhaps I should introduce myself! My name is Garuud, mercanary, assassin, raging sex machine. At your service! "
"Ehhhh... I'm John. It's a pleasure. Yeah, let's go with pleasure. And you said raging vex machine? Are you based off of their operation software or something?"
" Thanks! and nope! Just a feature! bahahaha, more like a unofficial title. But who knows. My exo programing may have its start from that bahahaha. So, what are you guys up too? Need a extra hand? I work for cheap haha." Garuud asked.
"I have completed the objective I was after. All that is left is to refer the data
"Refer away my good man!"
Reya walks over "Well glad you guys didn't kill each other, So John get what you need to get done"
*Garuud in the background* *muffled* "but I like killing!"
She sighs and Walks over to John
[spoiler]you guys work well with each other this story is really good[/spoiler]
[spoiler]appreciate it[/spoiler]