Try knowing what your talking about before you open your mouth and inform everyone just what a jackass you are. When im not running an oil rig and making hundreds of thousands of dollars, i spend my 28 days off screwing your dreamgirl and playing destiny while she cooks me steak and lobster. 50 plus days logged in year one alone. Im way outta your league chump. Condescend to your try-hard friend list and speak when spoken to like a good little b-i-t-c-h. # TIBFS
You have no power in here OP. Get out of here before the legion gets you.
Well, us nerds made that oil drill, the boat the lobster was used to catch, the stove ur honey is using to cook said lobster(I'm fking ur btch btws), and everything else you said. So I would think before you speak and income everyone on how much of an asshole you are
lol stfu
Nerds- We collect things... We watch 80's shows... We have KNAWLADGE... Geeks- Every nerd stereotype, basically.
What the f[i]u[/i]ck?
that's right bitch