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Edited by FJFSOM656: 9/18/2015 2:24:08 AM

A Future Arc, A Threat to Remember: Subject- Kabr #2

[spoiler]Warning. This work is more graphic and more in the realm of speculation than some of my others cause that's what this series is about. All rights and to references to Bungie's characters are there stuff, not mine.[/spoiler] The hollow scream grew louder as a slightly shorter Minotaur appeared a few paces from them. It's head was high off of its shoulders, and it had a single dimly light red eye. From between the plates of its tagged on armor, the black essence of the Heart oozed forth and it's entire body crackled lightly with purple colored Arc energy. No one moved as the figure stood there, it's one eye watching them, waiting. The Human Hunter took aim at the thing before them from his perch. "What's the plan?...." He whispered in the comms. "My super is almost up..." The younger Warlock replied as he let the cooling Void fill his body. The figure looked at the younger Warlock and it's eye grew brighter. "Don't... do... anything..." gasped the older Warlock. "It's assessing... us as.... a threat..." The Human Hunter spoke. "Then it needs to hit the scrap heap." He fired off a shot. The figure jerked slightly to the right and teleported right next to the Hunter. It brought down its mighty arm like a hammer, Completely crushing the Human Hunter's head like a grape. His body laid limp, his Ghost not appearing. The others began to panic. "NO ..., YOU BASTARD!!!" Screamed the Exo Hunter as he fired multiple rounds at the figure. It simply teleported down and screamed in its hollow cry, this time with more anger. The Exo Hunter charged forward, allowing his Golden Gun to erupt in rage over his lost friend. The figure cared little as it teleported around each shot and caught the Exo in what can relate to a Storm Fist. It's gnarled hand shot through the Exo's torso and proceeded to rip out its circuits and insides in a fit of rage. The Exo Hunter yelled in agony as he was reduced to the same pile that the Vex were left in around him. The figure continued to tear him apart long after he stopped screaming. The nameless Titan ran towards the remaining team and produced a Ward of Dawn, with Blessings of Light shielding them. The younger Warlock helped the older one up as they watched figure finally stop it's rampage... and look at them. A faint signal began to play over the comms. "I.... ha.... destr.... my... elf... to... this..." The older Warlock made her Ghost amplify the signal and listened. It was the voice of Kabr. He sounded in pain and he panted constantly but he was alive it seemed. "I have destroyed myself to do this. They have taken my Ghost. The are in my blood and brain. But now... there is hope." The figure roared and charged at the remaining crew. The nameless Titan roared back and charged, his shotgun blazing the trail infront of him. The audio continued to play. "I have made a wound in the Vault. I have pierced it and let in the Light." The figure and the Nameless Titan continued to duke it out. The Titan dodged and avoided each attack and the figure did the same, almost as if they have been together and done this spar before. "Bathe in it, and be cleansed. Look to it, and understand." The figure roared in anger and managed to grab the Titan. "From my own Light..." The figure smashed the Titan into a pillar. "... and from the thinking flesh of the Vex..." The figure caved in the Titan's chestplate and helmet. "... I made a shield." The figure roared and tossed the corpse over the cliff and charged at the remaining Warlocks. The younger Warlock quickly grabbed the older one and Blinked over the figure and tried to run. "The shield is your deliverance." The older Warlock pushed the younger one away and activated her super, light cascading off the walls in a spectacle of fire. She roared at the younger one to run and threw grenade after grenade at the figure to hold him off... to no use. "It will break the unbreakable." The figure grabbed the Warlock and hefted her above its head. The Warlock smiled and said something about love before she too was consumed by the violence. The figure decapitated it's victim and hurled the skull as a projectile at the last Warlock, who had started to run away crying and yelling. "It will change your fate." The figure charged at the remaining Warlock in rage as he blinked and hid from its anger to no end. "Bind yourself to the shield." Another swift dodge. "Bind yourself to. Me." Another narrow escape. "And if you abandon your purpose..." The figure roared in defiance and made a swipe for the Warlock. ", let the Vault consume you,..." The Warlock managed to evade and blink out of the way. The figure screamed again and continued the chase. "" A loud crash echos in the abyss. "" The structure whimpers under the strain and abuse. "...comsumed..." The figure roars as the Warlock throws down an Axion grenade and blinks into a cave, getting out of the view of the figure. "...Me." The figure roars loudly. It's cry is deafening off the walls that the Warlock hides in. The Warlock backs future into the cave, a shotgun in hand, pointed at the entrance. Waiting, watching, scared. He tries to suppress his tears and breathing in order to survive. "Now... it is done." The Warlock hears a small noise behind it, followed by the click and whirl of a machine. He turns his head slowly to look at it as his body erupts in tremors. "If I speak again..." The figures has its arms raised above it. Purple Arc flies over his form as he brings his arms down in a mighty Fist of Havoc. The resulting energy rocks the structure to its core, leaving nothing left of the final Warlock, except his helmet. It rolls off to the side and the speaker switches to project the voice. "... I am not Kabr." The figure stops. It turns it's head to look at the helmet, recognizing the name, his name. "Kkkkkkaaaaaaabbbbbbrrrr...." it speaks in a low drone of its former voice. The helmet sits idle, having finished it's audio. What is left of Kabr grabs the helmet and studies it. Remembering nothing, yet knowing that he just killed someone who knew, who knew him. The cloud carried him back to a small square, resembling a room, his room. Oddly nothing remained of his possessions, except another figure, a Titan who stared at the creature before him. "Who are you?!" Kabr yelled. "Where have you little bastards taken me?!" The comsumed Kabr blinked it's red eye and placed the helmet on a stand, where the same helmet used to be. It faced Kabr and reached out towards him, wanting to remember something. "Stay back!" Kabr pulled out his auto rifle and lit several holes into himself. The comsumed Kabr recoiled backwards and fell, slowly loosing it's power. "Kaaaa... bbbbbrrr....." it stated as the red light went out. Kabr was tense, he looked at the pile of armor before him, he shuffled towards the wrackage and poked it with the barrel of his gun. The armor reacted and jumped onto him in a fury, leaving behind a skeletal structure of its former occupant. Kabr recoiled and tried to swat the armor away. It clung to him and began to drain his light painfully. He screamed in pain as time once again created Kabr... The Legionless. link to part one

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