Do you not believe me? I can probably link the -blam!-in thing here for ya. Or you can ask Ninja, deadpool, Robber, Sal, or pants.
You don't even know what it was called. Noob.
Im honestly laughing Irl from this shit. I would go find it, but I believe it was the Unbroken_Dojo or some shit.
F#cks sake sithis.....you know he's a troll right?
Ive seen him here before. Honestly.
You haven't seen me here before lol If you weren't there for the Madhouse, you're a noob.
I was at Acogs madhouse.
And the one before that?
It was Revans I believe, cant remember name.
And you don't remember a Viking or DopedNinja? You're killing me.
Nope. My memory is ussualy horrid about things I shouldn't care about.
Well DopedNinja was a God and Viking was a king so you not remembering them just shows how much of a peasant you are.
Well, They obviously were not important enough for me to remember.
That's because you're a noob
Nope. Stop talking about yourself, peasant.
If you were or any significance in previous threads then you'd remember DopedNinja. You're nothing but a noob.
You have? Since when?
Lol you don't even know the threads from before that