originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[u]Location: Earth, Outskirts of the Last City.[/u]
[b]Leech dashes up and over hill-tops on a very old quad bike, planting down customized beacons every kilometre or so in a giant circle around the last city. She was just beginning to reach the end of her side, while Garuud was on the other side doing the same thing, meaning he couldn't get to her if she had a problem.[/b]
"Hey Garuud, how are you going?" [b]She says into her helmets coms trying to talk to him, but she only received static.[/b] "Strange, you could almost sa-"
[b]Her bike stops suddenly, sending Leech flying forward away from her bike. She lands on the ground in a roll, coming up on her feet quickly. She looks up to where the bike now sits, the front end squashed in, to see a wire running a short length along. Luckily, the last of her beacons were intact.[/b]
[b]She looks around fully prepared, knowing full well that things could get nasty quickly with the sudden appearance of anyone.[/b]
[spoiler]Open to everyone except Garuud. [/spoiler]
Edited by Zalamiir: 12/21/2015 5:37:51 PM"Anyway, long ago, before Grixis became a Dark Guardian, he was apart of a fireteam composed of six members. One of those members, a Titan by the name of Magnus, was like a brother to me. They went across the solar system, putting an end to threats before they became a problem that couldn't be stopped later on. He told me one of those missions ended peacefully with a Fallen House that is unknown to the City. The House of Stars. I've met with them before. They can help us in this coming battle."
"Fallen are useful allies, but tower defenses are set blast Ketches out of the sky by default with the two current houses nearby. I'll have to do some talking first."
Edited by Zalamiir: 12/21/2015 6:04:19 PM"Do it. I know they won't like Fallen around here, especially after the battle here. But I suggest you do it quickly, we have no idea when Grixis will come. They may have to work with us at night until that."
"I'll contact them when I get back, and I'll call you when I get the all clear."
"That's if they attack us here, but unless they plan on orbital striking us from a remote area in space, they have to attack head on. Unless we are missing something." She says as she reaches the Twlight gaps pathways.
"at least Rasputin is up and running."
"If he decides to assist us that is. You try to convince the Vanguard to let the Fallen into Twilight Gap, I'll head to their base and, hopefully, get their help." Anaxis' ship appeared soon after, hovering a few feet above the ground. He walked toward it, but stopped halfway, then looked back at Alice. "Do you think you can get information on Grixis from Emaria?"
"Yes, but you need to go to them." [i]I'll keep an eye on him. What's you're location?[/i]
[i]We are where you call the Himalayan Mountains[/i]
"There at the Alps, but you'll need to travel with me to them."
He thought about it for a moment, weighing the importance of his options. They would need help, that was a certainty. But how much? How strong of an army would Grixis bring? Or how they would insure victory? Intelligence was important, so his mind was made up. He signaled his jumpship to follow them when they got moving, then turned and walked toward Alice. "Alright, lead the way."
Hunter nods. "You two take care. I'll get things handled at the tower. Anything else you'll be needing?"
Edited by Zalamiir: 12/22/2015 1:46:48 AM"No, that should hopefully be it. Let's hope we get everything finished in time."
Garuud a Titan then showed up. "Finally gone I thought he would never leave!, him and I did not see eye to eye in the tower bahahahahaha!"
Edited by MegaBeast42: 12/22/2015 5:03:51 AM"You do realize he's right there." [b]She says pointing at Perseus.[/b]
Edited by The Arxfiend: 12/22/2015 4:26:48 AMPerseus waved awkwardly. "Hello."
"Oh...... Um.... my Timing was off hahahahahahaha.... awwwwwwwkwaaaarrrddddahhh" *Looks towards the readers* " ooops" " Um sorry."
[spoiler]RIP: 4th Wall[/spoiler] "I'll be headed off now."
" bye Pumpkin!" [spoiler] I always kill da 4th wall haha[/spoiler]
Walking away, Perseus gives him the middle finger.
" Buy me dinner first! bahahahahahah!" Garuud yelled after him "... So whats the plan. Did our "Heist" Work?" Garuud asked Alice.
"Heist? Garuud, what have you been up to?" A confused Ax says over the comms. A ketch can be seen crashing nearby. "Oh, and if you have any time, I'm falling out of the sky. A little help would be greatly appreciated." Garuud makes an unsatisfied look at his ghost before turning him down. "I'll buy you a Taco," Ax replied.
"..... Taco?..... okay." Garuud sighs and speeds summons his ship and takes off towards the burning ketch. Once he was close he transmatted himself onto the top of his ship and fired 3 rockets blowing a hole into the side of the ship. Once that was done he jumped into the burning hole. "Okay, now to get Axe out of here." ( Childish voice) " and get our Taco!"