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Edited by Minty: 12/11/2015 2:25:17 AM

Has Destiny lowered your standards for videogames?

Since a bunch of people are mad about microtransactions, or mad that nothing larger was revealed in the playstation stream, or mad that Bungie is trying to cuckhold microsoft with more PS4-only gear while ironically working with [i]activision[/i], the abusive husband of videogame publishers, I guess I'll just write my piece as well: I'd say Destiny will live on a good long while. The fact is Bungie has a bigger army of delusional teenagers than ISIS, and each member of their militia is armed with their mom's credit card in one hand and a fast-firing double-bodyshot high-AA sniper in the other. All these petitions won't do anything; if every single smart player put their controller down and said "enough is enough" and put their controller down, Destiny would only lose like a tenth of its population, and anyone smart enough to be fed up with this was probably smart enough to not be feeding them money anyway, so you wouldn't be hurting Bungie's bottom line. At this point all you can do is accept that dead orbit mentality and jump ship for your own sake, or sit through the troubles you have. However, for those who think all is well, ask yourself, [u]has Destiny lowered your standards for videogames[/u]? I mean how much has Bungie been giving you? They added half as many subclasses as they'd built into the start of the game, a dumbed-down raid, the original version of the raid, a challenge mode version of the same raid, bumpercars, and... year one content we already had? Instead of a game full of content, let's say you're buying a can of beans, okay? You like this can of beans and all, but as you're just about done admiring it, the checkout clerk says "Wait just a moment friend, because boy do I have got a deal for you!". He then suggests that, before you put down that can of beans you had, you instead purchase an expansion called "The Taken Can of Beans™". So what [i]is[/i] The Taken Can of Beans™, you ask? Its where they take your can of beans, pour all the beans back onto the checkout line's conveyor belt, and very slowly give you your beans back. They're slowly re-releasing year one items like Mida (which should have been usable in the DLC from square one) instead of developing a substantial amount content. It's not even like they just invalidated old content in favor of new content like most MMO's would; they just invalidated old gear and slowly started giving it back to you, alongside minigames and duplicate versions of raids you've already run a million times. The cherry on top is that as they get you to buy your beans over again, they hang microtransactions in your face, and say "Hey there kids, if you buy enough dance moves, you might not have to pay for what you already have again next time! Trust us, we're working on new things, just keep leaking your mom's paycheck into our bank account while you wait!" This wouldn't be okay in any other game ever. It's a monetary form of child abuse. Every single item should have been infusable since day one of TTK. Imagine the firestorm that would have blown up if prior to the TTK release they'd announced they wouldn't have every single item from [i]the game you already have[/i] finished in the "new" content you bought by this new year's day. [b]It's three months after TTK's release and we're still having old content brought up as though it were new, all while Bungie prioritizes microtransactions above all else.[/b] [b]Bungie wanted this game to be the next Star-Wars at first; Destiny could have been an art form, but instead they've made a bread-and-butter game; they've lowered their standards, and they're profiting off of you by lowering yours.[/b] Just ask yourself, if you were making a game, what would your goals be? I'd want something purposeful. I'd want a game that did something new. A game influential enough for Lego to call my ass up and ask me if they could make model kits of it. A game parents would want to tell their kids about or something, not a machine designed to preserve a status quo.

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