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12/11/2015 2:32:47 AM

Lets do Kings Fall together (ps4)!

Are you on the ps4? Never done a raid? Looking for a fresh team for Destinys King Fall raid? Do you want to experience the raid for the first time with others? Reply here! I am currently looking for a group of guarduans who are ready to take the Taken King down once and for all. Hopefully, we all get along and have a great time for that is what im aiming for. Yes, the loot will be grand. But, I want the experience to be the focus point. The game plan: Tonight. You and me vs Oryx. We shall go into this blind. Sorry to those who have already brought him down, but the previous experienced need not apply. Requirements: No prior experience or knowledge of how to complete the raid. As this will be a team experience, I would like everyone to have mics! Please let your personality shine, as some of this #MIGHT# end up on youtube as a funtage. You dont have to be a skilled player, but your light level must match the raids lowest minimum (duh). Be willing to create a relationship\connection with the team, for I may call upon you all again to complete previous and future raids/activities. Also: Lone wolves are urged to join. I, myself, am a "loner" type of player. I do have friends that play, but i work as a Night-Shifter in the real world. Needless, to say i am disconnected from my friends due to my work. THERE IS NO AGE REQUIREMENT! I am 25 years old. I was young when online gaming first began. I know how it is for young people now a days. If possibly playing with the younger crowd urks you, do NOT consider!! Be prepared to have fun with this! Be prepared to communicate with the group. All I need from you is: Psn name Current time Reason you want to join Age Maybe a short bio Oh, and if you have a mic (if you have a mic and are opting not to use it, for disability or anxiety purposes. Pm me) Some information about OP: As previously mentioned, I am 25. I have been gaming since the end of the NES days. As soon as Halo 2 was released, I was gifted an xbox and a dsl modem. Been online since then. I quickly became hooked on machinama (directing and shooting it) and really loved the sense of comrodary that came with the groups I have gotten to know. I had worked with groups such as Hollywood Halo, Halofilms Ltd, and other halo based groups. Those days are since long gone and with it the compassion. Truth be told, i miss getting a group of randoms together and watching them grow as a team. I have moved away from the Xbox, just because i needed something fresh. Sony consoles are fairly new to me. Psn: shadowspriter.

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