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I saw it listed online for $15, and I figured you can't go wrong for two games at that price. So, I want to know what the games are all about, how it plays, some tips, etc. All I know they take place in a post apocalyptic Russia and there's some monsters.
So, #Gaming, teach me the ways of the Metro series!
Wonderful games and wonderful books.
So question. What is the difference between metro redux, metro 2033 redux, and metro last light redux.
Edited by Teligth: 12/12/2015 3:11:45 AMIt's set in Russia post world war three or so. People escaped into the subway lines and are living there, however something dark has come and is threatening everyone I've played and beat it. Totally worth the 15 bucks
Amazing games. Im not much of a book-guy, but I [b][i]reeaaalllyy[/i][/b] want to read the Metro books. One thing I love about it, is how descriptive certain parts of the story can be. You will find people who at a glance, just seem like background noise, but if you listen carefully, you can catch conversations that bring the game to life. Sorry for minor spoilers, but there was one conversation between a girl and her father while the father is fishing. The girl is worried about catching cancer instead of fish because her mother died of cancer. The father then mentions something about being able to cleanse the fish of radiation now, or they can at least tell when a fish is too irradiated to eat. Sad little story that you can very easily miss. Only tip I can give is to take the game slow. Theres nothing but the story, so dont rush it. Make sure to look around lots to find ammo, health, and easter egg type things. Make sure to follow the story closely; its really good, but slightly confusing at some points.
I read the book. Was pretty good. The supernatural stuff seems a bridge to far for me. Played both games. But never got into either. Very corridor FPS. Have last light on PS4. May finish it one day.
Don't buy Metro 2033 on Xbox 360 if you want to play the original you won't ever finish it. With that aside I enjoyed the metro games and thought it had an amazing final scene
Incredible series, you made a very good decision. The following is a mechanic spoiler rather than a plot one, but I'll clarify how the morality system works. [spoiler]Make sure you listen to NPC conversations, play instruments and explore everything. That's how you gain morality points (the screen will flash when you gain one or briefly flicker black-and-white when you lose one), which will determine whether you get the good or bad ending in each game. As far as I'm aware, no one knows how many or what combination of points is necessary for either ending. This system is never explained in-game and doesn't work like how Mass Effect does, for example. It's more based on how much you interact with the game itself rather than whether you hit the red or blue button in conversation minigames. [/spoiler] I would personally recommend playing the games in order, but it's not that big a deal if you don't.
Edited by A Jackal Sniper: 12/11/2015 8:06:56 PMStealth is your friend. Don't go guns blazing unless you absolutely have to.
It's a very great series. Story driven, you feel a need for ammo and supplies, ambient; it's a personal favorite of mine. I hope you enjoy this series
Fully recommend the books.
Edited by George Foman: 12/11/2015 4:40:10 AMHardcore stealth survival horror shooter with heavy ambiance.
Metro is a very, very solid fps and tells a decent story. It fits into the "BioShock" genre as I refer to it: fps, sci-fi like setting, story driven and some scrounging. Each game runs maybe 10-12 hours if I'm recalling right it's been a few months. I played the first on the easier setting while I played the second on the harder one(accidentally). Stealth is not forced but I recommend that you try to be sneaky some of the time to conserve supplies. There will be a jump scare here and there but nothing too frightening. And there are a few dlc with Last Light that are self contained stories for the most part. They were also pretty good. Overall pretty great game and that is a price you can't beat. Though I am a little bummed out the next game will supposedly be open world.
I could never get enough filters so I just took my mask off and put it back on before I died so I could have a chance to look around, I don't know if I was doing something wrong or what but it was really annoying. Other than that it was absolutely amazing, I just wish there was more replay value.
Love the games. It's a fairly linear game, but there's a lot of little side paths to explore. If you explore enough you'll be rewarded.
Great game!! Do buy it.
I got stuck somewhere near the end and never finished :(
It's one of the best FPSs ever made in terms of story and the gunplay is very solid
I got it about a year ago, and both games are really solid. I recommend playing on the "survival" setting. It makes bullets rarer and emphasizes stealth and ammo conservation. It makes things way more intense, trust me.
bump, lol