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Edited by 愛 ємōѕιѕ ツ: 12/14/2015 10:15:43 PM

Just spotted two players trying to Cheese/Cheat their way to victory in SRL?

This is sad, this event has only just start a few days ago and already people are attempting to use unfair advantages to be able to be in the lead during the SRL event. I've already spotted the first two people trying to work together to attempt this horrid act. I did eventually catch on to what exactly it was they were doing. One of them, was hanging back at the starting lineup trying to block the first thruster plate on Mars. While on the other hand her friend was the only one out of them that was moving around on the track. What was happening was she'd purposely block other races including me but only moved away from the plate for her friend. Then it occurred to me that she was doing this intentionally just so her friend could get in 1st. Can you please make a system so people like this are kicked out of the race after 5secs of not being willing enough to follow the objective. if there not even trying to race the just trying to ruin the fun for everyone else. I have no problem with afk'ers because they're eventually sent to orbit after they have been away for too long, but if their actually moving and are trying to block boost plates from other players it's not very nice. Especially when they only move away from it for their fire team members. After preventing everyone else in the race from hitting/driving over it. 1)Edit- " Gosh, just reading everyone's comments is so shocking I'm happy to hear that I'm not the only one experiencing these types of issues. TYSM for your support. " 2)Edit-" So many kind words in the comment below pointed towards me as well, I feel just the same for you too. Your right and yes I have been turning the corners sharper to avoid getting blocked & I'm even good at (Sparrow Racing League) too. It does make you good inside after you've beaten others trying to cheese their way to victory in SRL. " 3)Edit-"Well now I have to say I wasn't expecting this it looks look we're starting a trending stage over 100 Replies as of now Thank you so much for your support & even if bungie isn't able to fix this issue I'm glad some people in this community are feeling the same way. ^^ " 4)Edit-" Just In case for those of you who aren't really aware what the cheese is in the "SRL Event" it is when two or more individuals guardians from a fire team or randoms who just started a in-game party so no one else can hear them talking about using a exploit to win races. It's abusing one simple area of the track one stays behind and doesn't participate in the race at all at all while the other one takes part in the event. Meanwhile the one who chose to stay behind decides to purposely drives their sparrow towards the nearest boost plate and parks his or her sparrow directly in front of the boost plate in the beginning of a race in a sideways like manner during the starting lineup After the 3second countdown is done. They then try to attempt hitting/cutting off other races whom are trying to pass them time and time again who are trying go toward the plate to gain a short burst of speed. Thus using the lethal thrust " perk " on the sparrow shifting side by side to throw other people off and continue doing this throughout the entire race. Until their is in the lead for the remainder of the race. " 5)Edit-"250 Replies, I didn't think this post would get this popular. keep those comments coming!!! :) " 5)Edit-"300 Replies Gosh now this is getting a little outta hand. I almost can't keep up with you guys. Lol. I've been seeing a few negative posts toward me and some that are positive and just down right funny too. Even a few in particular whom seem to be having similar issues like this one. Keep those comments coming everyone. 6)Edit-" Just wanted to give a shoutout to the best post I've seen so far. (Mightycrane) [b][u][i]The easiest way to solve all the problems of sparrow racing without removing it:[/i][/u][/b] Allow banana peels and turtle shells. The problem will fix itself. Haha when now that could work. Funny post btw. Dear. 7)Edit-" I'll try keeping this post up to date when I can. For the mean time feel free to comment & or reply by sharing your own thoughts on this. I'll be sure to reply back to you when I can. TYSM & May God bless you this up coming holiday. ^^ NOTE-"Since I'm having a little trouble keeping up with some of these comments. I got a few others to assist me who are willing and able to help me out." -"Lord Zorc" -"Iceuyoung"

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  • I'm not saying cheat but since you can enter with a full party of six than you can easily get first every time

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    2 Replies
    • [b][u][i]The easiest way to solve all the problems of sparrow racing without removing it:[/i][/u][/b] Allow banana peels and turtle shells. The problem will fix itself.

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      5 Replies
      • A: Deal with it. B: Did you ever try driving, oh, I don't know, [i]around them?[/i] C: Report them. D: Leave the game E: Who needs to cheat in SRL? F: Realize if this system was implemented, how am I supposed to get a fireteam of six and mess around going backwards? G: Why am I still going with this? H: ???? I: Profit

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        • Edited by GGT Gonz0: 12/14/2015 9:55:55 PM
          I actually ran into a couple of lag switchers in a race last night. All I could do was laugh. Fvcking idiots. And crane is right, but I think we need blue and red shells for the full Destiny Kart experience.

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        • Or... Just hear me out, leave that lobby

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          2 Replies
          • Funny thing is the people cheesing probably got all the 320 gear and legendary drops

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          • Bright idea, go around that gate!!!!! Missing 1 gate means nothing

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            2 Replies
            • This has only happened once to me and honestly it is one of the cheapest things someone can do.

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            • Get a fireteam of 6. Boost each other to victory. This isn't Rumble.

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            • Post is aids op is tard

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              4 Replies
              • How about cabal helms instead of turtle shells? Just saying..

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                3 Replies
                • Edited by OldMilkers: 12/14/2015 8:05:18 PM
                  Most of the people who are against " Emosis" on this post are simply the ones themselves doing the cheese and they don't want this being fixed that's why they're against you girl they don't want this patched because they suck at racing. And continuously use this to their advantage to make it easier for a member of their fire team to always be in first. By throwing people off their game. Blocking a boost pad the entire race is stupid even if you're doing this to help a brother, sister, a former cousin or relatives, friends and family. For whatever matter this maybe for, if your friend wants to get (1st place) they should race the course legit. not have you blocking boost pads on which ever part of the course you decide to park your sparrows in front of. You need to start taking part in the event itself instead of sitting back idle. Afk'ers we understand however they are away from the game of course so it's not entirely their fault. which means they don't count. Besides they're usually kicked after 2 to 3 minutes of in activitie in-game anyways. "This is an issue and people who are against this being fixed are foolish to not agree with the OP"

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                  3 Replies
                  • People need a cheese to win in SRL? LOL

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                    2 Replies
                    • I have a video of this guy lagging. He is in first, then he vanishes, ghost says im in first, then he rubber bands past me so far you cant see him. Then ghost says im in first, then this guy appears infront of me but is in 6th place... get to the finish, Im first, Amanda says we have our winner. Then he rubber bands through the finishline and the game says he is first. Wtf?

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                      • My bro and I participated in plenty of races trying to complete our records books. After one of us completed, he would hang back but still compete, or just sit off to the side and not interfere: But this? No

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                      • Really? I'd have assumed it would just be much easier to fix the race if you're in a fire team of 6... Right?

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                        • Good luck with it.

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                          • Lol those people are sad and it doesn't even work in there favor a lot of the time. I had one where some dude chilled by the starting line. In my head i wondered what the hell was he doing then as the third lap came around and i was about to cross in first place i see him try to get in my way. My sparrow goes right under his and he didn't affect me in any way and i still win. Then im like ohhhhh he was waiting to trip me up lmao sucks for him.

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                          • Deal with it

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                            2 Replies
                            • Edited by TheDeath0fDucks: 12/13/2015 7:30:24 PM
                              How about this for sweet justice: After dropping below 20 km/h (In game SRL speed) you have 3 seconds to get to 100 km/h until you get kicked. Repeated punishments will result in a ban for 30 mins. Next time it happens the ban time doubles again & again, to a maximum of the remainder of SRL. [spoiler]Corrections or Suggestions?[/spoiler] Edit: Or add cannons on sparrows.

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                              1 Reply
                              • SRL races should have the ghost function where players can't block or ram other players. It's a fun event but the dickhead/bitch players that troll SRL is annoying as -blam!-. Another Bungie fault.

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                              • I've ran Into two players who constantly warp forward. They disappear and reappear at the front of the pack repeatedly the entire race and then win.

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                              • Edited by TopHat: 12/14/2015 6:46:35 PM
                                Lol was doing this last night. I can't take this utter horseshit of a race. It's not fun and I just wanted to get the quest over with. Edit: 28 replies <3 #blessed Edit: I should start selling this bait. It works very effectively. People gobble it up! Edit: I have no fwiends and am a loser :((( thanks op Edit: 34 replies keep stirring the pot

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                                45 Replies
                                • Edited by TRDoug: 12/13/2015 2:06:29 PM
                                  Seriously........if you loose a race because some scrub blocks ONE gate you need to get into the front of the sparrow, it will spin it around and out of your way, side thrust into the gate at the last second, hang back so you're in sixth place, so the gate is wider than the sparrow is long and just go around it, grab the xp and post race rewards and change lobbies. A race is less than 5 minutes long if you do it right, so put your big girl panties on and stop being so salty.

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                                  14 Replies
                                  • Still not as bad as players lag switching to win. I've seen it.

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                                    2 Replies
                                    • Or they could make it like some of the races on GTA V. Where you just go through the enemy as if they weren't there. Kind of like players on the tower not in your fire team.

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