Great job, your the highest lvl for one game!
Lvl:140 bf4
Lvl:57 Fallout 4 (survival mode only)
Battlefront: lvl 50
Halo 5: lvl 40
Gears of War UE: lvl 70+
Forza 6: lvl 246
So basically I'm a higher level [b]Gamer[/b] than yourself.
And I can tell you it feels so much better being high lvl in every game not just one.
Edit: At least I play real games.
Edit: None of you are original in any way
Edit: Keep trying , because we are making this OP thread huge. Thank you guys, I'm stealing the lime light now
that's odd, add me on xbox and look
Looked up your gamer tag on halo way point
That's awkward
Bro do you even Skyrim level infinity?
of course hoss
Do you even Wynncraft level 600?
Bragging about not having a life. That's awesome. Even if this did matter, I don't see why you have to put others down. You're a horrible person.
I didn't mean to hurt the soft skin babies on the forum I'm sorry
I have a strange feeling that you might have some sort of underlying mental problems that are going unseen. You might want to see a professional. No sarcasm intended, it's just that you're showing some signs that I've seen before.
Edited by ZFW Vader: 12/11/2015 8:47:30 PMWord, probably, I've been through some shit. From Psychopaths trying to kill me to almost losing my life in second grade due to a rope around my neck when playing tug of war and the kids kept tugging not knowing what was happening. So yeah, I'm probably not mentally stable, but I know how to survive and that's what life is about. See how much studying signs helps you in unfathomable situations.
Well, I got something right. My only advice is to try to be a little nicer to people. Karma has proven to be a real thing.
Edited by Raidriar99: 12/11/2015 4:09:04 PMU wot m8
What up
You're a [b]f[/b]ucking loser, honestly.
You're honestly an anti poon warrior
Someone proud that he's a no life scrub.
;) If only you could see things I own
It must be a great life when you have to bring up what you own...
Had to, someone made me:(
Clean urself pls
dumb dbag
At least I'm clean
No lifng fagget confirmed, I'd rather have a life than a house [i]~Taniks[/i]
Awwwh 2016 WRX in the Drive way, want that don't ya?