Great job, your the highest lvl for one game!
Lvl:140 bf4
Lvl:57 Fallout 4 (survival mode only)
Battlefront: lvl 50
Halo 5: lvl 40
Gears of War UE: lvl 70+
Forza 6: lvl 246
So basically I'm a higher level [b]Gamer[/b] than yourself.
And I can tell you it feels so much better being high lvl in every game not just one.
Edit: At least I play real games.
Edit: None of you are original in any way
Edit: Keep trying , because we are making this OP thread huge. Thank you guys, I'm stealing the lime light now
Damn dude you're pretentious as shit.
Haha add me on sc and I'll show my morning cruise every morning
Don't be jealous
Where's Deej at? To defend the guardians, I swear I'll one hit that guy
Ok you have a high level in a few games. Instead of trying to act cool, get a life, go outside and tell us what level you become
I didn't know life had a system of progression outside of: Poor, Middle-class, and Donald Trump.
Hey man you want a cookie?
If it's laced, then yes, I would like a cookie
Cant give you what you already have though
Laced with aids
Laced with diabeatus
Yes I play black ops 3 and am on a current 36 winning streak across to game modes with the #Team
Sorry you can't find a game you like enough to stick with. Don't give up.
I hear ya, Fallout 4 I've played over 5 days so if I'm sticking to anything it's that and the wonder glue
cool story bro
More of a poem of justice but I'll accept that
You can just leave. We will wait
First time I came back in months and you want me gone again, smh
Its not that its just that i know that you have better things to do than belittle something that op cares about
You might be right
That's not every game though is it so your point is invalid
I don't have time to name them all you big dummy