Great job, your the highest lvl for one game!
Lvl:140 bf4
Lvl:57 Fallout 4 (survival mode only)
Battlefront: lvl 50
Halo 5: lvl 40
Gears of War UE: lvl 70+
Forza 6: lvl 246
So basically I'm a higher level [b]Gamer[/b] than yourself.
And I can tell you it feels so much better being high lvl in every game not just one.
Edit: At least I play real games.
Edit: None of you are original in any way
Edit: Keep trying , because we are making this OP thread huge. Thank you guys, I'm stealing the lime light now
Nah, you just sound like a douche
1v1 me any game, I will beat you down. Not in real life tho pls
Damn atmosphere was positive, why you gotta be dragging it down?
I'm dragging it up boi, I'm in space not the atmosphere, get on my elevation bra
If you were dragging it up you wouldn't be egotistical and self promote yourself while putting another down.
I'm still dragging it tho, so I mean whoever a being dragged through space rock isn't gunna feel great anyway are they?