Great job, your the highest lvl for one game!
Lvl:140 bf4
Lvl:57 Fallout 4 (survival mode only)
Battlefront: lvl 50
Halo 5: lvl 40
Gears of War UE: lvl 70+
Forza 6: lvl 246
So basically I'm a higher level [b]Gamer[/b] than yourself.
And I can tell you it feels so much better being high lvl in every game not just one.
Edit: At least I play real games.
Edit: None of you are original in any way
Edit: Keep trying , because we are making this OP thread huge. Thank you guys, I'm stealing the lime light now
Here's another free bump for you. Just so you can keep watching the world burn.
good I didn't like you anyway
My god
yes my son?
This is a destiny forum though. What's your max light level here? I'm guessing less than the op's
still kill him
I bet your girlfriend is super duper proud.
Girlfriend? Bitches like this don't have Girlfriends.
This shows how little of an actual life you have.
Are you sad?
Lol aww look at the little tryhard. How's life with no balls? Seriously how pathetic do you have to be to brag about other games in a topic that's nothing to do about them.
my balls sag lower than you stand tall lil girl
Aww look at the cute little troll. So desperate for attention it has to bump old topics
Haha only 40 for halo?
only a perfect headshot everytime
with a bigger pipe than you
this guy is better than you
Nice name try hard ho3
You need a job and pocket pussy
I do want the second thing