Great job, your the highest lvl for one game!
Lvl:140 bf4
Lvl:57 Fallout 4 (survival mode only)
Battlefront: lvl 50
Halo 5: lvl 40
Gears of War UE: lvl 70+
Forza 6: lvl 246
So basically I'm a higher level [b]Gamer[/b] than yourself.
And I can tell you it feels so much better being high lvl in every game not just one.
Edit: At least I play real games.
Edit: None of you are original in any way
Edit: Keep trying , because we are making this OP thread huge. Thank you guys, I'm stealing the lime light now
Good stuff
[quote]You turned a happy Guy's day around. Good job for not having a life and playing video games all the time. Helps the world out a lot ;p[/quote]
[quote][quote]You turned a happy Guy's day around. Good job for not having a life and playing video games all the time. Helps the world out a lot ;p[/quote][/quote]
What...the...-blam!- with your post dude? Xd
Lol talks about other games except destiny on the destiny forum. If your so mlg go back to your others games. [spoiler]Your not wanted here.[/spoiler]
I don't have to be? as long as I'm pack in bigger heat I'm fine
You have the biggest wiener in all the village!
I wish I lived in a village, because then I prob would have the biggest wiener. Only if the village populous was women
Wow. The salt is real in this one.
To bad your a slug
*you're Salty and can't spell. Lol
That was sluggish of you
[quote]Sex life: lv0[/quote]
Link? My gf just left
HA! - ^^^ dude said "girlfriend" and "my" in the same sentence! .... That's rich!!! XD
Yeah, she's on her way over here now. I'll have her text you when she gets here.
It's funny because it's true, I think she asked me that day what I was doing on my phone and I said nothing just talking to some Limeys
"Level 57 fallout 4" Ha. Haha. Im like 83 on survival hahahaha
I haven't played for over 300 hours sorry, but my homie is level 83 as well, just got a two shot gauss rifle
Being as this is a Destiny forum in a section about Destiny, I really don't care about your achievements and that all you have managed to come across as is egotistical.
That's cool
Strokin' the e-peen much?
Don't get it but if your referring to me stroking my piece than yes, 40 times a week, only way to keep going
40 times??? YOU WIZARD