A look at buffs and nerfs (i will be rounding down)
Auto rifles, I will use my suros ari-45
It's 280 light has 25 rounds and does 45 per shot to a dreg in the cosmodrome at close range
That's 1125 per clip(non precision) in patch 2.1 after the .3% boost
In 2.0 it would have been 1121
So over a whole clip it will add 4 damage yes a whole 4 damage amazing
Pulse rifles, lyudmila d....4 burst
It's 280 light has 36 rounds and does 38 per shot to a dreg in the cosmodrome at close range
That's 1368 per clip(non precision) in patch 2.1 after the 14.23% reduction
In 2.0 it would have been 1562
So over a whole clip it came down a whopping 194 yes 194
Please staff correct me if I am wrong