My body is ready ... for Destiny ;) Thanks Bungie for Such a treat. a Definite Purchase.
It'd be very cool if the ships you purchase can be personally customizable, just for the effect that you'll actually be able to call it your own Ship. And that it could appear in the world you're in.
Ex: When you join a friend in battle or on earth or on any planet, the Jump Ship can appear, hover over and the player can be beamed down, reppel down, jump down etc... (Different Possibilities).
The NPC robots and characters are "invisible" in the physical aspect. You can just walk through them. Which is cool... if you mean by the fact that guardians are invincible haha. But i'm sure you're aiming for more the reality aspect of Destiny.
I hope the multiplayer lobby (Guardian Tower) isn't the only place players can socialize. I'm really hoping you have some kind of a small town/city etc place planned for the game that players can roam around in the safe confinement of the city. If not that's totally cool. Its perfect the way it is. Or maybe a place players can socialize on other planets as well. Just to embrace the game environment and ambience.
But above all. Thanks Bungie for the such an amazing game. Its definitely the best I've seen so far. And i'm just talking about Alpha. Can't wait till the full game is released!
Myself personally..... I would LOVE to see matchmaking for raids. There are too many people requiring a LOT out of players and in my experience makes it impossible to complete raids.that would improve Destiny by a great distance.