Dear bungie,
I wanted to say thank you for letting me have fun in year one of destiny, I wanted to say thank you for creating the game of my dreams.
Did you have created the perfect game. I'm writing these four lines to tell you that a big thank you for a fantastic year ONE. Unfortunately we are now in year TWO, there would be many things to say, but you don't listen to what we write in forums, or rather, listen to that part of casual players that destiny maybe even plays. Unfortunately the year two is no longer the same beautiful game, the crucible, damn, I enjoyed a lot in the crucible, was the pvp more frantic and fun I've ever played, now it has become boring, you have made sure that players remain still at a point with a sniper rifle, you can not play more close. Then there would be many other things to say to the rest of sub-weapons and everything .. but then again, you will not listen, now think only about money, and not to entertain the fans .. but what can we do? By now you have become the usual manufacturer stealing money to us players .. shame bungie, you were my favorite, but now I, well, you're like the others.
Now I don't know if I forsake the game, but one thing is certain, it will play no more as before, are too disgusted.
Excuse me for my bad english
An old guardian
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