Looking to run flawless 3 times quickly, Need to have gone flawless before and must have emblem to prove it. Must be 316+ light and must have a 4 kd in trials
DO people post comments in forums like that? Are you getting sick of everyone asking for flawless emblem> Well Look No Further!!!!
Hello everyone, i am called total_currieness and i am on PS4, i am pleased to say i am carrying all you gorgeous guardians to the LIGHTHOUSE
i am a 318 light titan who took 20+ people to the lighthouse last week and it was a successful run.
i am the top 1% in trials of Osiris and i am pleased to announce i am carrying anybody to the lighthouse, no matter who they are, what their light is, how they play, or if they get revives .my stats can be found here: http://destinytracker.com/destiny/playlists/ps/total_currieness/trialsOfOsiris
And if you want to get involved in the action or simply view what is going on and how i play, view my stream here on twitch:
You looking to go flawless? Add ultra_currieness and get this done
Remember to like the post to keep it at the top for easy access
I need 2 willing participants to carry me threw trials I have done year 2 before and have emblem for proof add Jamealticket if you can help
Need 2 for flawless. I go to lighthouse every week multiple times. Dont add me if your kd is 1.1 or less.1st char: 1.17 63% wins 2nd char: 1.55 80% wins Add ipushelbows
Looking for a decent group get some wins 314 titan
Looking to go flawless Add me
Need 2 tryhards for flawless add wyte_raven
Need one for trials not worried about flawless add saints42088
Need one for trials be good Have emblem and kd 1.2 or higher
Need one more GOOD player going flawless
Need 1 for Trials of Osiris Have 1.5 KD or higher PSN: FRESH_SWAG33
Helping good people go flawless. Do not suck because I can't carry all the way to light house. But if you need a good 3rdto take out whole team every now and then I'm your guy. Add same name as above
Need 2 for trials . Have a 1.2 kd or better in trials add JR-hitman47
Need one more that has emblem and atleast a positive kd as we do if you match that add slayerzj1691
Need 2 bounties add strongblazin024
Add mannyg55 if your trying for flawless
Looking for 1 decent player for trials. No requirements other than must be able to hold your own. Add wolfbane65
Need 1 smart team player for trials with good gun skill Add MORFIIO
need 2 sweaty ass players for a flawless run. need emblem and positive kd. add oAlmightyyy
Need 1 for trials. Have 1.3+ kd and have a mic. Already been flawles 3 times this week. We will check kd Add: foreveryoungg922
Looking to join a group for lighthouse. Don't need to be carried, can handle myself. Not good enough to carry, so be able to handle yourselves. Downloading at 50Mbs, so I can host.
Looking for a trials team
Need 2 for flawless carry to lighthouse on ps4
Need 2 tryhards for flawless add wyte_raven
Need 2 for flawless must have emblem add class_on_gras547 Grass spelled with one s
Need 1 300+ add Ree_Dv9
PS4 • need • 300+ • be chill • add JERSEY91MAN
Need 1, dont be ass