Looking to run flawless 3 times quickly, Need to have gone flawless before and must have emblem to prove it. Must be 316+ light and must have a 4 kd in trials
DO people post comments in forums like that? Are you getting sick of everyone asking for flawless emblem> Well Look No Further!!!!
Hello everyone, i am called total_currieness and i am on PS4, i am pleased to say i am carrying all you gorgeous guardians to the LIGHTHOUSE
i am a 318 light titan who took 20+ people to the lighthouse last week and it was a successful run.
i am the top 1% in trials of Osiris and i am pleased to announce i am carrying anybody to the lighthouse, no matter who they are, what their light is, how they play, or if they get revives .my stats can be found here: http://destinytracker.com/destiny/playlists/ps/total_currieness/trialsOfOsiris
And if you want to get involved in the action or simply view what is going on and how i play, view my stream here on twitch:
You looking to go flawless? Add ultra_currieness and get this done
Remember to like the post to keep it at the top for easy access
Looking for trials team
need 2 for trials add luis567432 Must •Be 313+ light •4000+ grimmoire •Year 2 flawless emblem •Good communication •Good at sniping if you do not meet all these requirements dont even bother
im carrying guardians to the lighthouse and 15 wins without a loss to get you the scarab heart emblem top 1% of trials and have carried over 40 guardians to the lighthouse add total_currieness if interested
Need 2 for trials for a flawless run must have emblem and be able to hold there own add me malachitillidie Ima 315 Titan
Please come support my stream I'm new bigbluenation_92
317+ TITAN with chest of lupi looking for team to go flawless add me same psn
need 2 for trials add luis567432 Must •Be 313+ light •4000+ grimmoire •Year 2 flawless emblem •Good communication •Good at sniping if you do not meet all these requirements dont even bother
Need 1 experienced player who has been to the lighthouse, for flawless attempt. Must have above 1.4+ KD & year 2 trials emblem. Psn: freshgresh. Join via partychat. I have been flawless x3 weekly. No noobs
Need 1 for flawless run must be experienced add:fazepoint17
Looking for patience people for Flawless! Add me Lionskull_89
Need 1 for trials trying to get scarab emblem add me same as top must be 313+ have mic and highly skilled were chill guys who just want the scarab emblem
Need 2 ad:ity_SUPREME
Need 2 for ToO 300+ Add: darkeagle2112
Need one for trials must have been flawless year two. Add Zz_TopDawg_zZ on PS4
315 hunter looking for a team that has good communication (english) and are not kids. I can hold my own positive k/d in rumble to prove it All i ask is you are good too Inv me if you meet these qualifications NOTHING LESS Psn: same as name
Looking for trials team. Add X-xfirex-x
Edited by Ironik: 12/12/2015 9:30:54 PM315 warlock trying to carry a friend. We both quite good. Need a very good player to come flawless :') add CamChalky
Need 2 for trials must be good and experienced + been flawless in year 2 message me - joshmaybegray96
I've never been flawless, I would love to go to Lighthouse for the grimoire. Anyone willing to carry me thru would be such an awesome gift to me. Add pinch_IT_up_23
302 titan looking for a chilled group to play trials with.. I've been flawless before so invite me 18+
Need 1 for flawless run must be experienced add:fazepoint17
Need 1 for trials. Add johnnyd112
Need one more for trials be able to hold your own weight. We are going for flawless so be ready. Add DNA shame as above and join
Need 1 310+ sniper who can actually hold their own add vocab_420
need 2 for trials add luis567432 Must •Be 313+ light •4000+ grimmoire •Year 2 flawless emblem •Good communication •Good at sniping if you do not meet all these requirements dont even bother
Need 1 more experienced players for trials add me psn: killaj595