- The Trolley Problem
The Trolley Problem is a fusion rifle introduced in The Dark Below
I can safely bet 98% of guardians do not know what it actually refers to
Is a thought experiment
There is a runaway trolley on railway tracks. There are 5 people on the tracks, that are tied-up and unable to move.
Meanwhile, YOU are close to a train yard. There is a lever near, which if pulled, will make the trolley go on a different track. However, on the other track there is a person you love on it.
A. Do nothing. 5 person are murdered, while your love interest lives
B. Pull the level. Your love interest is murdered, while 5 live to see another day
I would pull it
EDIT: Toaster caught me. See coment for explanation
If the only cost to save my loved one is to sacrifice five strangers, then that is what I would do.