I'm getting real tired of the bullshit. Either trying to do a trick and landing on the ground brings me to a COMPLETE stop and everyone passes me, or people bump me and I go flying off into space. If you get sandwiched by 3or more dudes you're fûcked because they will always destroy your asshole and send you bouncing off the walls like a god damn pinball. If they were going to let you use trick sparrows, they needed to make the landing better. The only reason I'm even playing this garbage is because I'm a absolute sucker for shaders and I really want the midnight lumos shader, but of course I can't get it.
Also, why is it that my arcrunner sparrow is COMPLETELY inferior to everyone else's sparrows? No matter what place I'm in people fly by me like I'm not even moving.
Nah man, the Solscout moves like a street sweeper. Pretty sure at one point I was just moving backwards.
Not the way I've seen it. People whiz pass me with anything