You're welcome. Thankfully it seems that the initial response to your idea is rather positive with what few admins have actually seen it. Unfortunately however, our group is currently going through a 'clean up' stage, a side effect of which is that we're not currently updating our RPs just right now. So to summarise: we like your idea, bit we can't implement it just right now, for external reasons.
Edited by Zoom261: 12/13/2015 10:13:28 PMOkay well send me a message for when you guys start updating the RP'S again Thanks for listening!
Edited by garuudfireborn: 12/13/2015 10:10:10 PMDude, I would be so down for this! I have seen your work, and would be extremely excited to do this.
Really? Thanks! It would give me something to do, sense I don't have fun playing destiny anymore...
You don't? I know the feeling about something to do. I get bored at work and rp's help a lot haha. But what console do you play on?
Xbox360. I am actualy working on a adventure map with my friend in minecraft so my other friends can go through it. Give me something to do until I get a PS4 in January. I am hyped for that Dark Souls 3 and Dishonored 2 man haha!
Me too! "Get ready to die... Again!"
Haha! That game looks SOOOO good!
Yeah! Like a mix of darksouls and bloodbourne
It going to be so good... only 4 more months to go!