Anaxis followed Alice as she walked off in the direction of Twilight Gap. It was strange. Years ago, one of the largest battles the City had ever faced had been fought on those very grounds.
It felt invigorating in a way, that they would no doubt be battling at such a legendary site, but at the same time, many Guardians fell during that battle. And history was about to repeat itself.
A few things came up in his head however. The cannons that were still functioning there only had the firepower to take out small targets. Firing one at something as large and armored as a Hive Cruiser... And frighteningly a Dreadnaught, would be like throwing a pebble at a Cabal Siege Tank.
"The cannons currently up there won't do a thing against a Cruiser. But I know someone, or someone's who could give them an extra kick to them. Maybe even help us in the battle."
He thought about an missed shots from the cannons missing their mark and instead striking the City. But he dismissed those thoughts, as it would be pretty difficult to miss something as large as what they would be shooting at.
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