originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"Yeah. Her. Scariest thing is that when we found her, she accidentally killed us."
"Oh wow. How did she do that?"
"She thought we were fallen and stabbed us both."
"Oh, were you guys like wearing fallen armor? Because I dont knos how she could mistake someone as cute as you for an ugly fallen."
Edited by Varlerie: 12/13/2015 12:31:41 AM"No, we were looking for loot caches and she heard our footsteps. What else do you think walks freely in the cosmodrome?"
"Oh, I thought she saw you" he thought [i]that compliment backfired.[/i]
"No. She was even more freaked out when we walked back in. It was kinda cute and funny."
"Was she like all red and flustered? I bet that would be adorable."
"Yeah. We took of our helmets and she broke down crying. It had probably been a long time since she had seen another person."
"That sounds sad. How much longer until we meet Vapor?"
"We're almost there. Could you not tell Vapor about this?"
"Thanks." The two arrived and saw Vapor. They approached him. "Hey I've been meaning to-" they both started at the same time.
"What? What just happened?"
"We both tried to ask each other a question," Autumn said giggling.
"Oh, yeah. You ask him its your headaches"
"Headaches? I've been having headaches for a little bit now," Vapor said.
"What? So has she? What is going on!?"
"Has she been having them in the morning?"
"No she has them at night. What is happening?"
"Hm... It seems when her headaches go away, mine return, and vice versa."
"Okay, but what is the cause of them? Are you guys like linked or some shit?"
"Vapor... Explain again how you got me out of the Oversoul..." Autumn said, a bit pissed.
"I would like some info! Worrie boyfreind deserves some info!"
"I swapped the locations of our bodies..."
"Whats that got to do with headaches?"