originally posted in:The Roleplay League
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[b][u]Sign Up Before Starting![/u][/b]
This is the follow-up to the immensely popular Destiny Roleplay, "Oh Brave New World." It is a complete reboot, so all events of that Roleplay have been disregarded.
[b][u]Please sign up here before starting![/u][/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/153708903/0/0/1
"His name is Oryx, the Taken King. And he's coming for you, Guardian. Can you blame him? You killed his son with his own sword."
Crota's death was a sign to being a beyond our miniscule corner of the universe. Now, we face Oryx, Crota's father. Now, we take up arms against a god, and his trans dimensional army. So, think you can kill a god?
Do not violate the Bungie.net Code of Conduct.
Do not kill other people's characters.
No god modding.
"One Liner" Roleplay is discouraged (i.e. *John walked up the hill*).
These rules will update as the RP progresses.
[b]Game Link[/b]
"Game Link" a new feature that is being implemented in this Roleplay. By completing certain tasks within the game, you can earn rewards for your characters. There are two variations of Game Link.
[b]Quests[/b]: Quests follow a pre determined storyline. To partake in quests, you must complete certain tasks in game. Completing Quests can earn your character rewards. Quests are available anytime once they are released.
[b]Events[/b]: Events are similar to Quests, except they do not follow a storyline, and are available for a limited time. As with Quests, completing Events can earn your character rewards.
The Internet
Storm Wizard
Spicy Wolf
H 345
The Mute Button
The dust had settled. One whole quarter of the city lay trashed. Hundreds were dead, thousands were still missing. The amount of destruction that had occurred was unrivalled by any done to the city before. Aries had come, and he left an ugly scar. Many broken families lay in the streets. Guardians were sprung across the debris. Survivors were too busy moving the dead to even think about tomorrow. The Guardians had been dealt a serious blow, but it was still not over. A tainted Guardian was still in the city, and they were determined to either get rid of it or drive it away. A group of twenty Guardians surrounded Switch at the square. They could all feel the Darkness within him. They didn't hate him, but they couldn't risk another Dark Guardian here, not again. Meanwhile, James and Lakir were focused on keeping Lake alive. James was trying to mend the wound with his Light, but was having difficulty. The bite mark that Hunger left on Lake was large and looked extremely painful. He was on the verge of death, he could almost feel himself leave his body. No one expected today to turn out like it did, but it could not be helped. The city had survived, but at what cost? (( Open to those involved. As well as anyone else. ))