originally posted in:Neo Punks
[url=http://eskipaper.com/images/girl-redhead-art-1.jpg]Llani[/url] [i] finally rolls up parking her 70 plymouth, climbs out,takes a look around. [/i]
[b]She spots Natalie, in a black bikini, admiring the car[/b]
L " so you like my [url=https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://blog.cars-on-line.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/1970-Plymouth-Hemi-Cuda.jpg&imgrefurl=http://blog.cars-on-line.com/2013/08/01/1970-plymouth-hemi-cuda/&h=400&w=640&tbnid=IGOMZZp47Zra5M:&docid=xHmJaQFpvvrzgM&ei=6vZsVoPpC8ayaa2ZnSg&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0ahUKEwiDhvzUgtjJAhVGWRoKHa1MBwUQMwh4KDwwPA]Baby[/url]
"Damn right I do. Jesus, where'd you get her?"
[i] She winks[/i] "perks of the job., nah seriously she belonged to my folks before they were... well I inherited her"
L ' yeah she's pretty special, i probably get asked out by more by guys wanting to date my car" [i] she laughs[/i]
"Damn, pretty lady, pretty car" [b]She flirtatiously says[/b]
[i] She smiles,accepting the compliment[/i] L " Afraid the only ride I can offer you is one in the car, [i] she winks[/i]" spoken for at the moment."
"Shit, can't blame a girl for trying" [b]She says, chuckling. [/b] "who's the lucky guy?"
L " a couple of days ago you'd have had more luck, but John got to me first."
"Shit, my sisters ex. He's cool"
L' yeah ,bad case of talking before his brain engages, but aside from that."
"Very true"
L "so anyone else caught your eye?"
"My boyfriend, yeah. We agreed well Fūck other people"
L:" Nice deal if you can get it on your terms,of course if you don't have terms I guess it doesn't matter"
"It's my deal, he can only Fūck guys and me, as it's the same gender deal, then each other"
[i] she laughs [/i] L ' not many boyfriends would want that deal, unless its his thing in which case, he shld knock himself out"
"Yeah, he's super chill and I'm very convincing"
Lt" sounds like you make good pair"