I have destiny and all expansions including TTK on my PlayStation 3. I'm getting a PlayStation 4 soon and want to play destiny on it. Can I still have all my characters and dlcs since it's saved on PSN.
P.S. If I can't get expansions I'll just buy Legendary Edition of ttk.
P.S. I don't want to start again, I spent lots of time on the characters.
Thank you!
Your characters and progress will transfer so long as you sign in with the same account. If you purchased a digital version of Destiny before 1/15/15, you're eligible to download the base game on your PS4 for free. If you own a physical version, that won't suffice. The Dark Below and House of Wolves will transfer. The Taken King will not - this expansion wasn't included in any digital upgrade promotion, and will need to be purchased on your new console. Hope this helps. For more information, have a look at this help article: https://www.bungie.net/en/help/article/12122