[b]This isnt meant to be a "-blam!- destiny" post, these are just facts as far as I see them. This is in no way meant to be biased towards any direction.[/b]
Look at any game where loot is supposed to be a main point of the game, its all about who has the coolest stuff.
Most of the time the coolest stuff is the most powerful stuff; it can change the way things work for your character, or even make the way the gun works shift to allow for certain types of play.
The thing is bungie is trying to do a balancing act between "cool" and "balanced." You cant really have a cool and balanced gun.
[spoiler]Last Word
Why its cool:
-full auto hand cannon(fast damage)
Why its unbalanced:
-very fast to kill
-high margin for error(dump a whole mag
and get a kill in most 1v1 situations)
Why its cool:
-tracking cluster bombs(insane damage/
high rocket to damage efficiency)
-tracking rockets
Why its unbalanced:
-too much value
-"damn thing killed too good"
Why it was cool:
-unique perk(game changing)
-nice&easy sights
Why it was unbalanced:
-too much damage per shot(over 100)[/spoiler]
There are definitely more guns that are like this, but these are just a few that stick out in my head.
All of these guns try to do something unique, but they are such good perks that its hard for all these guns to exist and be balanced in any meta.
No matter what, as long as they keep in the various archetypes of guns, there will be no such thing as balance as long as the game exists. The only way to have balance is to EXTREMELY LIMIT every gun in the game or even take out any wildcards or outliers. This would ruin the game but it would also "fix" pvp.
[u][b][i]There are simply too many unique interactions between items and characters to account for that the game cannot realistically be balanced.[/i][/b][/u]
Proposed Solution:
My solution?, adding a barebones kvostovs and beginning white(common) rarity guns ONLY playlist.
-No melee charch up
-no supers
-no grenades
Just [i]RAW[/i] gun-skill
Call it "The Proving Ground"
Make it a permanent playlist or even an even where you can get gear similar to iron banner or trials. Make it 100% solid then never change it so there is no meta, and then it can be a safe haven for all the balance snobs.
Edit: I'm not a balance crybaby, its just how things are. Not trying to throw a bunch of "thats unfair" and whatnot. Just the way games like this are and "balancing these kinds of games is relatively unrealistic.
One thing could be different little classes with diffrent weapons but you keep your subclass charecter and Armor it just changes your weapons