Xbox One Kings
Example Template
(310) lvl (hunter) looking for (daughters checkpoint) Have ______
296 Hunter looking for any checkpoint. I have no mic but know how to work around that if your willing to cooperate. I know the sword bearer strat for glyph. I know everything up to oryx. Gt NightWolf7248
296 Hunter looking for any checkpoint. I have no mic but know how to work around that if your willing to cooperate. I know the sword bearer strat for glyph. I know everything up to oryx.
293 Hunter looking for 5 guardians to help me through the raid I know the raid up to the daughters and I have an exotic sword. Gt NightWolf7248
Edited by NightWolf7248: 12/19/2015 9:07:41 PM293 Hunter looking for 5 guardians to help me through the raid I know the raid up to the daughters and I have an exotic sword.