Looking to run flawless 3 times quickly, Need to have gone flawless before and must have emblem to prove it. Must be 316+ light and must have a 4 kd in trials
DO people post comments in forums like that? Are you getting sick of everyone asking for flawless emblem> Well Look No Further!!!!
Hello everyone, i am called total_currieness and i am on PS4, i am pleased to say i am carrying all you gorgeous guardians to the LIGHTHOUSE
i am a 318 light titan who took 20+ people to the lighthouse last week and it was a successful run.
i am the top 1% in trials of Osiris and i am pleased to announce i am carrying anybody to the lighthouse, no matter who they are, what their light is, how they play, or if they get revives .my stats can be found here: http://destinytracker.com/destiny/playlists/ps/total_currieness/trialsOfOsiris
And if you want to get involved in the action or simply view what is going on and how i play, view my stream here on twitch:
You looking to go flawless? Add ultra_currieness and get this done
Remember to like the post to keep it at the top for easy access
Edited by RAVEN: 12/13/2015 10:17:34 PMI am a 310 hunter looking to play trials If you can help me go flawless cool! If not thats cool too lets just have fun. Psn is same as above.